
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


You can Resize the Text here: 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


The Interface Zone

By John Berges

64 (1) Paragraphs 1-20 Distractions and Fears 

This discourse opens with the student complaining about all the distractions that interfere with his meditation. The student wants to improve his concentration. The teacher shifts the focus of the discussion from distractions to the purpose of the student’s meditation. 
Student: I’ll perform my meditations with greater clarity, and this in turn will result in deeper insights.  
Teacher: I see. Does any of this deeper insight include the perception that the outer world is not a distraction to the inner world, but rather a catalyst for learning? 3-4. 
As this dialogue continues the teacher explains that the world of phenomena is not a distraction, but is simply “vibrations traveling in the ethers from sources you have no control over” (8). The teacher goes on to point out that it is not the world of phenomena that is the problem, but the mind’s reaction to that world. 

Continuing, the teacher points out that fear is another distraction, but that it also has the important function of short-circuiting our “tendency to lapse into complacency” (18). The conclusion is that negative emotions and fears can be perceived as distractions, but they can just as well be seen as “catalysts and instigators of action” (20).

66 (3) Paragraphs 21-36 The Spiritual Person 

The conversation now shifts to the characteristics of a spiritual person. This is prompted by the student’s reaction to the teacher’s comments about the function of distractions. The student is lamenting the fact that his reactions to distractions are causing him to react in ways not consistent with a spiritual person. Naturally, the teacher asks how a spiritual person should behave. 
Student: They are poised and benevolent. They are tranquil in the face of distractions and fears. They exude peace and exemplify compassion. They express divine love to all.  
Teacher: You have adequately described a mythological saint, but you have not described a spiritual person. Even in total darkness, a spiritual person can discover light. They are truth seekers and they wear the countenance of a thousand different personalities. They are not truth tellers. They are not truth expressers. They are not saints. They are truth seekers. 23-4. 
The student asks what this has to do with his problem with distractions and the teacher replies that it has to do with trying to live up to an unrealistic image of a spiritual person. By creating the perfect ideal of the spiritual person, the student is setting himself up for failure because this ideal is not realistic. 

The student then asks if that means he should “temper” his expectations and thus reduce his frustrations. Here again, the teacher points out that frustrations are part of the experience of life and that the peace and contentment desired by most students of spirituality (and people in general) is not the goal of life. 
Teacher: Spiritual values are as much about turmoil and stress as they are about peace and contentment. Spiritual values are not monotonic nor are they benign. 32. 
We now approach the major point of these opening paragraphs—namely, we block our own development by too narrowly defining spiritual qualities and values. Furthermore, we have created unrealistic images of the sages and saints who supposedly exemplify these spiritual characteristics. 
Teacher: If you define too narrowly what actions and activities constitute spiritual behavior, you will become not only a judge of yourself but all others as well. You unwittingly close down your interface zone. 36. 
68 (5) Paragraphs 37-68 The Interface Zone 

There are various definitions and descriptions of the Interface Zone scattered throughout the discourse. I have extracted these as follows and they are all given by the teacher: 
• The Interface Zone is the aspect of your consciousness that interacts with the species with which you share a common biology. It is physically contained in your DNA... 38.  
• The Interface Zone is like a computer on a network...The Interface Zone requires that you bring your attention to it in order to access this network that spans the entire species. 42.  
• The Interface Zone is the originator of language – all languages. Language is encoded into this aspect of the DNA and it bubbles to the surface of human expression. 44. 
• The Interface Zone is the meeting place of the physical and energetic levels. It is the transport of language between the two vibratory worlds. It is the gateway from the individual to the species. 56.  
• The Interface Zone is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity. 74. 
 • The Interface Zone is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery and it will become known as the connecting element of the human species that unifies its genetic mind, and in this unification, unleashes its power and capability to create solutions to the natural challenges of planetary life. 76. 
Please note that in order to hold the focus on the Interface Zone itself, I excluded a few items from the above paragraphs. Now we will go back and fill in some details. In paragraph 38 the teacher goes on to explain that our DNA “acts as a node within a vast network that is ultimately connected to First Source.” Quite naturally, the student wants to know what this vast network is. The teacher replies: 
DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA. 40. 
At this point we know that the Interface Zone is physically located in our DNA and that it is an aspect of our DNA that is the “originator of language.” The teacher: 
This means that the human DNA brings language to the species and receives language from the species. It is a doorway that opens in both directions. 
Student: Are you saying that I can communicate with my fellow species—at the level of DNA—through words? 
Teacher: Yes. 44-6.
The student finds this hard to believe and the teacher responds with a rhetoricalquestion regarding the physiological effects of affirmations and mantras on the human body. The student understands this, but is having a problem grasping how such vibrations effect changes beyond the physical body. Here is the teacher’s reply: 
It does not automatically communicate to the DNA network anymore than your thoughts are automatically communicated to the computer network. On the computer network you must convert your thoughts to words and enter them via a keyboard into your computer, and then select the path to send your thoughts to the network. 
Student: I understand how this applies to the computer network, but how does this work on the DNA network? 50-1. 
And thus we return to the Interface Zone definition given previously: 
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the equivalent of a computer node and it requires software and activation in order to access the network. 52. 
It should be mentioned here that when the teacher says that the Interface Zone is the originator of language, he means this in a much broader sense than the sounds of words. We find his description later in the discourse in paragraph 84: 
...language is not necessarily constructed of words. It can be visual and it can be musical as well, consisting of tempo, frequency, modulation, etcetera. 84. 
We see, therefore, that the teacher’s use of the term “language” extends beyond words to also include images and sounds. 

Returning to the this section of the discourse, the teacher describes the Interface Zone as the “gateway from the individual to the species” (56). We next learn that we humans have sealed this gateway and thus cut ourselves off from the genetic mind, which is the accumulated knowledge repository of the human species. This applies not only to humans of Earth, but of human beings throughout our universe. (For a detailed review of the genetic mind see the WingMakers glossary and Chamber Philosophies 2 and 3. Also see Q & A Session 3 on the WingMakers web site, numbers 64, 71, and 72. Lyricus.org has information on the genetic mind in several of the articles available there.) 

Apparently, the genetic mind accumulates all knowledge and experience, whether that data is true or false, truthful or distorted. In a way, the internet could be thought of as an outer rendering of the genetic mind. In any case, through millennia of human activity the genetic mind has become polluted by faulty reasoning, false conclusions, illusions, misinformation, and manipulation through disinformation, propaganda, and deliberate distortions of facts. 
Teacher: Thoughts are the only real form of pollution to the human species. Beyond purely instinctual expression, thoughts assemble language and language assembles behavior. This behavior can be destructive to the genetic mind of the species and can place severe limitations on its capacity to discern the soul from the soul carrier.  
Student: So humans learn to identify with the soul carrier and not the soul?  
Teacher: Yes. 62-4. 
Wrong identification between the soul and the soul carrier appears to be an important factor in the discovery of the Grand Portal. This misidentification theme began appearing in WingMakers and Lyricus material released in late 2003 and 2004. It should be noted that, generally speaking, the differentiation between form (soul carrier) and consciousness (soul) has been of primary importance in spiritual, philosophical, and psychological studies (both East and West) for at least 2500 years. A close examination of the WingMakers/Lyricus materials indicates that this distinction between soul and soul carrier will be a key factor for the scientific investigations of multi-dimensional reality and the nature of the soul. 

Although it is not an essential point for understanding this fifth discourse, paragraphs 65-6 are puzzling. The student asks who sealed the gateway (Interface Zone) and the teacher says that humanity unconsciously sealed it in order to “prevent irreversible damage to the genetic mind” (66). I won’t take the time to investigate this any further here, but it is definitely something worth thinking about and, commenting on in a discussion of the Genetic Mind. 

One portion of paragraph 66, however, can be understood in the context of the Lyricus mission to Earth: 
Teacher: There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. These individuals embody what is to come relative to the human species. In a sense, they are time travelers who bring the future of human capacities to the present-day. They transmit the future vision first, and then the tools to activate others. 68. 
These “select individuals” are probably a combination of Lyricus teachers, Earth teachers, various visionaries and pioneers in the fields of science and culture on Earth now. To these we must add the next three generations of souls who James identifies as follows: 
Within the next three generations, an influx of advanced souls will be incarnating within terra-earth. We call this influx: Symmetry of Spheres. These advanced souls (most from outside this solar system) will be encoded with predispositions of transformation. By the year 2080, they will be over 200 million strong. These are the transformers who will bring symmetry to the asymmetrical physical and emotional realms. It will be the leaders of this movement that will be responsible for the discovery and irrefutable proof of the human soul. Q and A Session 3, 17. 
This passage places the importance of the Interface Zone in the larger context of the Grand Portal discovery. Together, they form a yet to be discovered system of human access to other worlds and dimensions beyond our planet. 

71 (8) Paragraphs 69-80 The Purpose and Results of Accessing the Interface Zone 

The student is now trying to put all these pieces of information together and asks the purpose of it all. The teacher explains that the activation of the DNA network is necessary in order for humanity to discover the Grand Portal. Here are the relevant statements of the teacher relative to this unsealing and purpose of the Interface Zone. (Note that some of these paragraphs appeared earlier in this commentary.) 
Teacher: It is largely through the activation of the DNA network that humankind will discover the Grand Portal because access to the genetic mind is essential to this discovery, as is the extra-sensory communication between those destined to assemble the discovery’s component parts and piece together the seven-fold puzzle. 70.  
Teacher: The Interface Zone is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity. If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels. 74.  
Teacher: The Interface Zone is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery and it [Interface Zone] will become known as the connecting element of the human species that unifies its genetic mind, and in this unification, unleashes its power and capability to create solutions to the natural challenges of planetary life. 76. 
Student: How does this relate to an individual like me?  
Teacher: In choosing to consciously access the Interface Zone, you tap into the genetic mind with greater clarity. This results in more vivid thought processes and enhanced intuition. It also improves extra-sensory perceptions that enable remote healing and remote communication. 77-8. 
Before continuing it should be made clear that the DNA network and the genetic mind are one and the same. This is not obvious in the course of the dialogue, but upon closer examination it appears that the term “DNA network” is a description of the genetic mind. Although there is some repetition here, the following excerpted paragraphs make this clear: 
Teacher: DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind. The human species is connected through this network, which is made possible through the DNA. 40. 
This paragraph makes clear that DNA is a network within the individual body and a node within the genetic mind. The second sentence in paragraph 40 then refers to the genetic mind as a network. 

This is followed by descriptions of the Interface Zone as a “gateway” between the individual and the species (56). We then learn that the gateway was sealed in order to reduce damage to the genetic mind (60 and 66). Thus, the Interface Zone is a gateway (or doorway, 79) between the individual’s DNA network and the collective DNA network otherwise called the genetic mind. 
Teacher: There are select individuals who will open this gateway for the purpose of transforming the genetic mind of the species. 68  
Teacher: It is largely through the activation of the DNA network that humankind will discover the Grand Portal because access to the genetic mind is essential to this discovery... 70. 
Finally, paragraph 70 probably provides the clearest evidence that DNA network and genetic mind are mutual terms simply because the sentence only makes sense in this context. 

What follows are the specific paragraphs related to accessing the Interface Zone. This section contains specific instructions for practicing this technique. 

73 (10) Paragraphs 85-100 Accessing the Interface Zone—Preparatory Thoughts 

This section begins with the teacher explaining that language consists of more than words; it can be “visual” and “musical” (84). The student then asks: 
Which is more effective?  
Teacher: The most effective is to begin with a clear conceptual picture of the Interface Zone and how it can be activated to be more receptive as a carrier wave of the genetic mind. 86  
Student: How do I do this?  
Teacher: Remember how I said the DNA could spontaneously configure wormholelike structures? Student: Yes.  
Teacher: These structures are extra-sensory, and do not conform to threedimensional constructs of spacetime. They rise and fall in their configurations in spontaneous reaction to a variety of stimuli. Student: Like affirmations and mantras?  
Teacher: Yes. They are like programming pods, in one sense, because the individual can reprogram their cellular DNA in such a way that it enhances their intuition or access to the genetic mind. 
Student: How is this done precisely?  
Teacher: The imagery of the wormhole structure, its impermanence and spontaneity, the manner in which this occurs outside of three-dimensional spacetime structures, the way in which the energy exchange is reciprocal, the image of DNA as an interspecies network—all of these elements enhance your picture of the process.  
Student: I have a conceptual picture of this, but it’s by no means clear.  
Teacher: You cannot have a clear mental picture of something that operates outside of spacetime structures. However, if you compare the picture you have now with the one you had ten minutes ago, it is infinitely more precise, wouldn’t you agree? 
Student: I suppose, since I didn’t have any picture before. 
Teacher: Exactly. 41  
Student: This conceptual picture—vague as it is—is sufficient for me to begin?  
Teacher: No. You need to picture it in your mind’s eye and contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this process. How the DNA is like tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body, but also has threedimensional counterparts that communicate, store, and process information that reside mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system. 100. 
(The foregoing paragraphs provide the information necessary to practice a meditation exercise for accessing the Interface Zone. I have provided a meditation outline at the end of this commentary.) 

In effect, the teacher is explaining how to visualize the individual DNA network in terms of “wormholes” which respond to sounds and rhythms. In this context, I recommend those interested in this material to read the article, “Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness.” This article concerns the power of sound in the evolutionary process of consciousness expansion. The article is directly related to the music of Hakomi 4-6. (The end of the article also mentions a Lyricus Discourse related to the Interface Zone and this is that discourse.) 

At this stage of the discourse, the student quite naturally asks the teacher if there is some “specific word or sound” which he can say that will increase his sensitivity to the genetic mind and allow him to gain access to it. Rather than give the student a yes or no, the teacher engages the student in a dialogue based on a computer metaphor. 

75 (12) Paragraphs 102-26 Computer Network Metaphor 
Teacher: If you have a computer that is not connected to the network, what is required? 
Student: A port or connection. 
Teacher: And software? 
Student: Yes, an interface of some kind. 
Teacher: And you need a password. 
Student: Sometimes. 
Teacher: And why is a password required in some instances? 
Student: Because the information is confidential or only meant to be accessible to certain individuals. 
Teacher: So you can have a computer, a connection, and a software interface, and if you want to get the information you might need a password. What about the information that is available to everyone without a password. Is it useful? 
Student: It could be. 
Teacher: If everyone can get this information is it vital, potent, and catalytic?
Student: I suppose not.
Teacher: Why?
Student: Because it’s not protected.
Teacher: I see. So the most vital and potent information would be withheld from all people because it could not be protected from the unscrupulous individuals who would pervert and use this information improperly?
Student: Yes.
Teacher: Imagine that everyone within the human species, independent of age or social status, had a computer. Each person could access their computer, but only some had a connection to the network. Of these, some had a software interface. Of this group, a small percentage had developed content to place on this network, and of these, a very small fraction had created content that could be defined as inspiring to those who ventured onto the network.
Now, a higher authority—let’s call it God—inserts information onto this network, but protects it with a password. Who do you think God will provide the password to?
Student: The group that developed the inspiring content and have access to the network.
Teacher: There is truth to this analogy and there is a gentle deception as well. God is not interested in protecting the truth about the DNA network. Humans do this themselves. All people have the “password” as surely as they each can breathe, but most believe they are in the group who lacks a computer connection to the network, so they don’t even try to access the network. The small fraction that knows of this network, believes it to be password protected.
Student: But if we have the password, we don’t use it?
Teacher: We don’t know how.
Student: Why?
Teacher: As I said before, humanity has forgotten this capability because it is more interested in the exploration of the individual ego than the formation and evolution of the group consciousness.
The essence of the preceding metaphor is that the human species is a vast living conscious network and every individual is a potential node on that network (the DNA network or genetic mind). The goal of individuals is to activate themselves on the network, which means becoming conscious of one’s inherent connection to it. There is an activation “password” in everyone’s possession, but the vast majority of humans do not realize that they already have it. 

77 (14) Paragraphs 127-44 The Affirmation and Password 
Student: Can you tell me what this password is? 
Teacher: You must have the conceptual picture and you must hold the following affirmation clearly in your mind and heart: 
I am forever connected to my brothers and sisters of all time and space. What is known by them I can know. What is found by them I can find. What is to come from them I can be. In all that I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. 
Student: This is the password? 
Teacher: It is an encoded affirmation. It activates the Interface Zone within you. It stimulates the connection between you and the genetic mind of humanity….All matters of the spirit are a process of interchange between the world of the bodyheart- mind system and the inner dimensions of the soul. 130. 
• The Interface Zone is the connecting bridge between you and the species. 
• What you desire is to connect, not isolate. 
• To step forward into the group consciousness, not judge its imperfection. 
• To offer your talents to this consolidated being, not the God of your image. 
The password is only a metaphor for accepting this basic attitude and allowing it authority in your heart of hearts and mind of minds. This attitude must hold primacy in your being. 132. [My italics 130 and 132.] 
Teacher: The password is not a magic word or mantra or affirmation. It is the construction, over time, of an attitude that becomes intrinsic to your character. When you can cite the affirmation I gave you and know in your heart and mind that you have truly lived this for a period of months, perhaps years, you will have the transparent access to the genetic mind that you seek. 138. 
This is, perhaps the most critical portion of the entire discourse. Here we learn that there is an affirmation which will activate the Interface Zone. We also learn that the affirmation is encoded and is more than mere words. 

The words are important in terms of the sounds which are produced when they are read aloud. They are also important in terms of the emotional and mental responses triggered in our minds when we recite silently. A vibration is then set up in a subjective area of consciousness. The power of the affirmation is in our ability to be present and focused when we activate it through our outer voice and/or our inner voice. (Another aspect of this idea concerns the place or location of our consciousness when we activate the affirmation. Are we centered in our heads, our hearts, our solar plexus, or nowhere in particular? Lyricus Discourse 6 will bring this aspect of energy work into clear focus.) 

Additionally, we learn that a particular phrase within the affirmation is encoded. This is revealed after the student asks the teacher the meaning of “the mind of one.” 
Teacher: The mind of one is you....  
Student: So the mind of many is a metaphor for the genetic mind of humanity? 
Teacher: Yes. It is an ancient term that is encoded. Your DNA actually “hears” this affirmation, and the “wormholes” of connection spontaneously form as a result. 
First Source and those concerned about the evolutionary path of humanity are encoding an aspect of the genetic mind to be a tool useful in the discovery of the Grand Portal. This particular affirmation is useful in accessing this specific part of the genetic mind. It is not resonant with all aspects of the genetic mind. 142-44. [My italics.] 
The subject of coding is very much present throughout the WingMakers materials. In fact, James, makes a point of mentioning this in many instances. In response to a question put to him about coded information, James responded as follows: 
We are in the habit of encoding information for the purposes of discretion. When the habit is so well formed and the work is so important, as is the case with the Tributary Zones, we naturally encode information in numerological, symbolic, language undertones, mantristic rhythms, color frequencies, and musical frequencies. All of these aspects are woven into a deeper meaning that reflects the cosmological and multiverse structures that bind human consciousness to the Wholeness Navigator. Q&A[3-S3]

This answer from James gives us a more comprehensive idea of what the teacher means by “encoded.” That is, vibrational frequencies are set in motion through sound and thought. These frequencies, in turn, activate pre-determined areas of our DNA. 

In addition to the coded nature of the affirmation, this passage reveals that the genetic mind is not one homogenous mass of abstract thought, but apparently contains aspects. These might be considered sub-dimensions of the genetic mind comprising data-bases of knowledge covering a myriad of topics. I suspect this is far more than encyclopedic factual information, however. Other “aspects” of the genetic mind likely contain all the wisdom and understanding garnered by the human race throughout its vast experience on this planet and beyond. 

I say beyond because, in the context of the WingMakers-Lyricus teachings, it is logical to extend the notion of the genetic mind well beyond our Earth to any area of the multiverse in which humans live at this moment. Furthermore, recalling the ideas that the WingMakers are the first humans created by First Source, the genetic mind must ultimately contain the most advanced knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in the multiverse. 

Having said this, however, there is something much more subtle here, concerning the affirmation—it is a coded word and sound structure designed to alter our egotistic attitudes towards life. However, it is preparatory in nature. Recall earlier in paragraphs 129-32 the teacher says the affirmation and the student asks, “Is this the password?” The teacher responds, “It is an encoded affirmation...” (130) The student says, “But the password is something else? (131) And finally the teacher says, “You are looking for the key to turn the lock when you haven’t yet found the door.” (132) 

The affirmation is the door and the password is the lock that must be turned in order to open the door. The password is not a “magic word or mantra or affirmation.” The affirmation prepares us to sound the password effectively. The password is only usable when we find the door or in other words, find and use the affirmation. It is then a matter of unlocking the door. 

However, this lock cannot be turned when the door is found because we still lack the key. The key is the transformative power of the “body-heart-mind system.” Through the proper use of the body-heart-mind system the affirmation is transformed into the password. Metaphorically, the lock of the door is turned by the key of our transformed heart and mind allowing us passage into the genetic mind. 

Penetrating the deeper meaning of the words transforms the affirmation into the password. This can only be done through the compassion and understanding of the heart and mind. That is why the teacher says: 
It is the construction, over time, of an attitude that becomes intrinsic to your character. When you can cite the affirmation I gave you and know in your heart and mind that you have truly lived this for a period of months, perhaps years, you will have the transparent access to the genetic mind that you seek. 138. 

This fifth discourse begins with the student bemoaning the distractions of life which interfere with his meditation. The teacher says that they are not distractions, but simply “catalysts for learning.” He then goes on to describe these “distractions” in scientific terms, stripping them of negative labels placed on them by personal opinions. 

This leads to a discussion of what it means to be spiritual. Again, the student has put much stock in the qualities and values humans have identified with spirituality. Although this is quite natural for the aspiring student, the teacher quickly points out that the student has described a “mythological saint” not a spiritual person. He then describes spiritual people simply as “truth-seekers.” If the student persists in over-idealizing the spiritual person, he will meet with frustration at not being able to live up to such high (unrealistic) standards. 

This is all a prelude to the primary subject of this discourse which is the Interface Zone. Ignorance, selfishness, unhealthy living, chaotic environmental conditions (physical and psychological), as well as illusions about the spiritual path all prevent access to the Interface Zone and consequently, the genetic mind. Access to the Interface Zone is critical for the well-being and advance of humanity because it is the bridge connecting the individual to the group consciousness of the human race. 
If humanity can operate as a collective consciousness, while its members remain anchored in the fullness of their individuality, humanity will be able to rebalance the earth and operate as co-creators of a new earth with influence that would extend to galactic levels. 74. 
The Interface Zone: 
• Interacts between the individual and the species.
• Is in our DNA.
• Requires our conscious attention.
• Is the originator of language.
• Is the meeting place of the physical and energetic levels.
• Is the access point to activating the group consciousness of humanity.
• Is an important component of the Grand Portal discovery. 
Next follow instructions on how the individual can access the Interface Zone. One of the most important factors is to develop a clear conceptual picture of the Interface Zone. Along with persistent practice in visualizing the Interface Zone, the student is also given a coded affirmation. The effort to visualize and comprehend the Interface Zone along with integrating the affirmation into one’s heart and mind results in an ever increasing ability to penetrate the genetic mind (also called the DNA network). 

As mentioned earlier, the music CD, Hakomi 4-6, is especially designed to clarify the Interface Zone. Therefore, combining the music with the visualization and affirmation exercise should result in a potent tool for clearing the Interface Zone and learning how to gain access to it. 

To reiterate an earlier point, I also recommend studying the essay, “Coherence of the Evolutionary Consciousness” as a supplement to this commentary. This essay was written and published along with the Hakomi 4-6 CD.


This discourse is clearly a step in the direction of encouraging students to engage in specific visualization and meditation practices. This fact greatly enhances the entire Lyricus/WingMakers initiative because it extends the material beyond theory into practice. It activates the experiential component of the psychological and spiritual theories, thus allowing the individuals to test the practicality of the materials for themselves. 

For those who have studied the Lyricus/WingMakers materials more closely, this discourse begins to fill in the details of how various pieces fit together. Although previous writings have stated that the genetic mind and the Grand Portal are related, this discourse makes their relationship seem more significant because we are told that we can access the genetic mind—we have a password. We are told what prevents our entry into the genetic mind and are given instructions on how to clear the barriers. 

Both the connecting link and its functioning are within our very bodies—in our DNA. Our human instrument is a DNA network and, just as significant, we are a miniature replica of the DNA network of the human race. We are a node on a network—we interface it—but we must activate ourselves by giving it the energy of our conscious attention

We interface through our DNA, which contains zones that bridge to the collective DNA of all humanity. Thus, in order to participate in the human DNA network we must utilize the wormhole interfaces contained in each and every cell of our bodies, via the DNA. Collectively, all these wormhole interfaces are called the Interface Zone. 

The Interface Zone is the door between the “room” of our individual human instrument and the “great room” of the DNA network of humanity. This is also identified by the more familiar term—genetic mind. This door within ourselves has a lock which must be turned with the proper key. The key that will fit this lock is the body-heart-mind system. 

Of course, the metaphorical door, lock, and key really symbolize our self-initiated efforts to comprehend the nature and purpose of our lives. This discourse aids us in this quest. Our very bodies contain all that we need to penetrate the mystery of ourselves. Hidden within our bodies, in the tiniest cells, our creators have placed an amazing multi-dimensional mechanism called DNA. It has been pre-programmed to respond to sound and a meta-language in which words play a partial, not a primary role. 

Hence, we are given a coded affirmation which, when recited through the voice or mind, stimulates aspects of our DNA. Furthermore, a largely unexplored energy system described as the body-heart-mind system, is now revealed to play an intrinsic part in our awakening process. Although various spiritual practices, both Eastern and Western, have incorporated similar techniques involving the heart and mind throughout the centuries, this is the first effort to present such teachings without the trappings of religious dogma. 

Additionally, specific music is being composed which activates and enhances the awakening process even more. All these resources are revealed to us here and it is up to us to pursue them or not. WingMakers/Lyricus philosophy, mythology, art, and music is now being integrated into a practical system for our further consciousness evolution and transformation. This becomes even more evident when we turn to Lyricus Discourse 6, Techniques of the Intuitive Intelligence. 

The use of sound is being increasingly intensified as the Lyricus Discourses are published. Coded music is being combined with coded affirmations which are recited with the outer voice as well as the inner, original voice. In fact, the sound of the voice is the primary instrument of transformation. The affirmation is sounded with the outer voice, gradually integrated by the inner voice of the mind and heart, and transformed into the password. In effect, we become the password. Our lives are meant to be a living example of the affirmation of words transformed into the password of action. Thus, the lives we then lead are the living password that swings open the door dividing the genetic mind from our individual mind. It is then that “the mind of many holds sway over the mind of one.” 

Interface Zone Outline and Meditation Exercise 

The following outline is a modified version of the preceding dialogue between the student and teacher. This outline is specifically focused on the passages related to the Interface Zone. 

DNA can spontaneously configure wormhole-like structures. 

These structures are: 
• Extra-sensory. 
• Do not conform to three-dimensional constructs of space-time. 
• Rise and fall in their configurations in spontaneous reaction to a variety of stimuli, such as the use of affirmations and mantras. 
• They are like programming pods, in one sense, because the individual can reprogram their cellular DNA in such a way that it enhances their intuition or access to the genetic mind. 
The following elements enhance the picture of the process (by which DNA configures wormhole-like structures): 
• The imagery of the wormhole structure. 
• Its impermanence and spontaneity. 
• The manner in which this occurs outside of three-dimensional space-time structures. 
• The way in which the energy exchange is reciprocal. 
• The image of DNA as an inter-species network. 
This conceptual framework must be intensified even further— 
• Picture it in your mind’s eye. 
• Contemplate the wondrous mechanics of this process. 
• Visualize the DNA as tendrils of an enormously complex organism that energetically lives outside of the human body. 
DNA also has— 

Three-dimensional counterparts that 
• Communicate 
• store 
• process 
information that resides mostly in the intuitive structure of the body-heart-mind system. 

Meditation Outline 

Sit in a relaxed position prior to the start of the music

As you listen to this description of the Interface Zone hold its picture as clearly as possible when the Hakomi Chamber music begins. As you become more familiar with this meditation this picture of the Interface Zone will grow in clarity and power. The music of Hakomi 4-6 is especially suited to clearing the Interface Zone of emotional debris. After using it for awhile you might want to use this meditation with selections of other music by the WingMakers. 

When the music begins: 
1. Visualize the millions of DNA lattices comprising your human instrument. See your DNA network spontaneously generating wormhole-like structures in response to the melodic and rhythmic flow of the music. 
2. See these wormholes in your mind’s eye—floating, moving, and undulating to the impact of the music, dissolving and reappearing as the music continues. 
3. These minute wormholes collectively form the Interface Zone. This is the bridge between your human instrument (body-heart-mind system) and the inner dimensions of the soul. Feel yourself passing through the Interface Zone and entering into the genetic mind of humanity. 
4. Picture your entire human instrument as a miniature DNA network. See yourself as a distinct node connected to the vast DNA network of the human species. 
5. Hold this image steady in the mind’s eye as you listen to the password affirmation: 
I am forever connected to my brothers and sisters of all time and space. What is known by them I can know. What is found by them I can find. What is to come from them I can be. In all that I do may the mind of many hold sway over the mind of one. 
This affirmation is most effective when used silently. Repeat it to yourself as often as you feel necessary during the meditation. 
This “password is only a metaphor for accepting this basic attitude and allowing it authority in your heart of hearts and mind of minds.” 
• You are connected, not isolated. 
• An integral point of group consciousness, not a judge of human imperfection. 
• Offering your talents to this consolidated being, not to the God of your image. 
6. While you listen to the instructions, you can, if you want, stand and move to the music for whatever amount of time feels right.

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1