
WingMakers is neither a path or teaching,
it is simply a way of living based on spiritual equality,
and in this way of living, it proposes not to judge,
but rather to distinguish carefully between the lower frequencies of separation
and the higher frequencies of unity--one and all.

James Mahu, excerpted from the Collected Works of WingMakers Volume 1


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By Darlene Berges

Where to Find a Group and How to Start a Group

The WingMakers’ materials are an individual organic exploration experience. Yet, at the same time being in a Human Instrument, we desire to meet fellow explorers to share the experience. This desire often finds emails coming to wingmakers.com of this nature: 

“Do you know where there is a WingMakers group near where I live? 

“How to I go about starting a WingMakers study group?” 

Questions such as these have been on many of our hearts and minds though the years of studying the WingMakers’ material. This website (Wingmakers-StudyGroupswas created to help answer these two essential questions. 

The first question, “Do you know where there is a WingMakers’ group near where I live?” will be answered on this website. Anyone who has a WingMakers/Lyricus study group that meets to study the materials are invited to share their information here by filling out the form for the group. 

The second question, “How do I go about starting a WingMakers/Lyricus study group?” To be a Virtuous Heart Facilitator, you need to feel the energetics of your heart calling to you to provide a physical place for a group to meet. In todays electronic age a meeting place can also be virtual so we have cyber study groups. Each group fulfills a roll in the sharing process of the WingMaker’s materials. 

Methods in creating Physical Study Groups 

These are only recommendations, you may come up with different methods and approaches that produce greater results for you. 

1. Go to your heart and seek guidance in asking someone to study with you.
2. Invite family to help create a study group. This can have a wonderful event to introduce young people to the platform of Living from the Heart.
3. Invite friends whom you feel would resonate with the materials. 
4. Look in your local area for similar groups whom you feel might resonate with the WingMakers’s materials. Share your ideas about WingMaker’s materials with their leader. Ask if you can give a brief talk at one of their meetings about your study group. 
5. Put up a notices at your local book stores, whole foods markets and community bulletin boards about your study group meetings. 
6. Invite friends from the SpiritState community that live near by to join your group. 
7. Invite your social media network friends. 

How to Study with your Group 

Each human instrument brings their essence to the meeting and these essences come together to form one energetic group, so the methods of how to study the materials will be different for each group. That is why a formal format of protocol in what to do and how to proceed is not documented. Every group will develop the best methodology for themselves. 

Cyber Study Groups 

I have been involved in a cyber study group setting for over four years. Part of our physical study group moved away from our state, but wanted to continue to be part of the WingMaker’s studies. We connected each week with them on the internet. It has been very rewarding for both the physical group and the cyber group as we feel like we are not separated but are experiencing Oneness of a group in two physical places on the planet. 

How to Bring a Cyber Study Group together 

These are only recommendations, you may come up with different methods and approaches that produce greater results for you. 

1. Go to your heart and ask your Sovereign Integral to bring your group together. 

2. Invite your Friends on SpiritState. 

3. Invite any WingMakers that you may have had discussions with via email. 

4. Invite any Friends on Sumbola. 

5. Invite anyone you know, family or friends that live far from you that may be interested in the materials and studying with a cyber group. 

Group Meetings 

We are creating a new perception of a facilitator. Our facilitator is called a Virtuous Heart Facilitator. The Virtuous Heart Facilitator’s role is one of bringing the group together in humility and appreciation for all in the group. These are suggestions for the Virtuous Heart Facilitators and each will have their own methods of facilitating a study group. 

1. Virtuous Heart Facilitator (VHF) begins the meeting with a short meditation like Quantum Moment, Rising Heart, or a short piece of WingMakers/Lyricus music. The meditation should be no more than three minutes in length. 

2. The VHF informs the group what they will be reading and where it is found. 

3. Helps the group to stay focused on the materials being studied. Our human instruments often like to get off topic, so with heart energy the VHF gently and compassionately helps to refocus the group. 

4. When the group finishes a section of the materials, the VHF asks the group what they wish to read next. After group consensus the VHF informs the group what materials to bring to the next meeting. 

5. The VHF closes the meeting, this is all done though the energetics of the heart in a Quantum Moment or what feels best from the heart. 

Suggestions on which WingMakers’ Materials to use in starting your Study Group 

1. Living from the Heart, by James Mahu 

2. When-Which-How Practice Guide by John Berges 

3. Temple of Spiritual Activism by James Mahu 

4. EVT 2 Guide by John Berges 

Studying together in a group setting and being able to share our explorations gives us a deeper feeling of Oneness as we learn to live in the Love-centered life of the Sovereign Integral. Study groups are all about sharing the adventure and journey in being a Practitioner of the Six Heart Virtues. 

Darlene Berges 

Virtuous Heart Facilitator 

The term WingMakers is encoded:
“Wing” is derived from the term wind or blow. It is the active force of setting new states into motion.
“Makers” is the plurality of the co-creators—that being the collective essence of humanity.
Thus, WingMakers means that from the collective essence of humanity new states of consciousness come into being.
This is the meaning of the term WingMakers, and it confers to humanity a new identity.
Humanity is transitioning to become WingMakers.”

James Mahu. Excerpted from the Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol. 1.

WingMakersBlog.eng Search:

"These works are catalytic and intended to help individuals shift their consciousness in order to more effectively access their own spiritual purpose, particularly as it relates to the discovery of the Grand Portal.. 

"The important thing to bear in mind as you review these materials is that you are composed of a human instrument that consists of your physical body, emotions and mind. The human instrument is equipped with a portal that enables it to receive and transmit from and to the higher dimensions that supersede our three-dimensional reality —the reality of everyday life. 

These materials are designed to assist your development of this portal so as you read and experience these works, you are interacting with this portal, widening its view and receptivity."


Collected Works of the WingMakers Vol.1